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How to behave at work to make your boss like you

How to behave at work to make your boss like you

Here is some handy advice on how you should behave at work to make your boss like you.

Firstly, be confident with your ability. Get on with your work and when talking to your boss be confident and explain things in a way that will make them understand and respect you.

Always listen and be attentive to the task in hand. Understand what you should be doing and take the right instructions. If you are unsure what you should be doing, then ask. Do not sit there wondering what your boss told you that morning or doing something that could easily be wrong.

Remain calm and never get uptight or stressed out about your work. If you panicking then spend some time creating a plan of action to put some structure to what you are doing. If you remain clam your boss will not worry about your ability as they will not know anything is wrong. If you need assistance with getting through this, just ask!

If you have lots of energy, then it can be infectious and enjoyable to be around as long as it is not over the top. It shows you enjoy your job and passionate about what you do. Your boy will love it!

Being strong willed and bold is important to be able to speak to your boss about problems or challenges and face up to anything. Your boss will appreciate your honesty and courageousness. You will also learn a lot better as you are learn from failure and be able to deal with it.

Finally, be good and make your boss become dependent on you. If you are able to manage and handle certain things that free up some time for your boss, you will become gold dust in their eyes.